
Parsley ( Petroselinum crispum )

Parsley is two-years plant and has a pleasant smell. It grows in the gardens as an herb for seasoning. We can use leafs, roots and trees.
Parsley increases appetite, has well affects on the kidneys, oil of parsley is good against convulsions, helps with inflammation of the prostate, with difficult urination, rheumatism, arthritis...

The Romans ate parsley before the fight because they believed that parsley gives the power. Parsley was used only as medicinal plant on the end of Middle Ages...

Today, without this spice we can not imagine anyone international kitchen.


How to grown, harvest, dry and stor cowslip

Cowslip we can finde in nature, but if someone wants to have it in the garden, can transport with sward and planted in the garden areas.

We collect cowslip in May and then dry in the shade. Root we take in the fall but if we do not use fresh it must be dried in the sun or oven for 40-45 degree. We kept root in bags in a dry and dark place.

It is important to pick the flowers from the handle and the fastest we dry in a thin layer on the paper.


Cowslip (Primula veris L.)

barančiki, baraški, Zeitlose(gelbe), primerolle

Cowslip, one of the first harbinger of spring, came from China. It grows at meadows.

The leaves are egg-shaped, the reverse side have the hair, at the top of the handle is flowers (from 5 to 12), thay have dark yellow colors. Handles are 10-12 cm long.

Blooms in April and May.

Cowslip contains saponizid, primulaverin, vitamin C, carotene, saponin, calcium, potassium, sodium, bergamot oil, bitter substances, ciklamin ...

In folk medicine we used  cowslip to treat headaches, dizziness, sweating for, rheumatism, gout, insomnia, swelling and pain, heart palpitations, bronchitis, colds ...

Cowslip is toxic if we use it often, because it contains saponizid.  Take care when using!!!


Rosemary-composition and healing

Rosemary contains essential oil, resin, tannins, bitter substances, saponins, etc.

In folk medicine we use it to strengthen the stomach, heart, memory, blood circulation, kidney and liver, rheumatism, dropsy, jaundice, hemorrhoids, turbekuloze, vaginal discharge, asthma and others.

For medical purposes we use branches with leaves and flowers.


Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)

Rozmarin; Rosemary; Kranzenkraut; Romarin;

It is Mediterranean herbs but you can find it also in the continental region.
It grows in the form of evergreen, very aromatic erect bush. Height is up to 1.5 or even 2 meters, with brown branches and linear leaves which is permanently green.
Rosemary flowers are tiny, blue-purple. Blooms in early spring (March, April).

From its leaves by processing you can get the rosemary oil.


Ivy-harvesting, drying and storage

Ivy can be found in wet forests of trees, rocks...etc. can be grown in gardens next to walls or a wooden pole. Multiply rapidly and does not require special care.

Leaves may be harvested throughout all the year. They should be harvested only when needed and use them fresh.When using the leaves should be thoroughly washed.


Ivy (Hedera helix L.)

For the ancient Greek ivy was a mark of life force, happiness and a symbol of immortality. We can find ivy in many gardens and in moist forest. It is evergreen plant. Falling on the ground or climbing on the trees, houses...Multiply very easily and does not require special care.
The leaves are leathery, dark green, spiral deployed. Blooms in October.
It has a berries which matures in the spring. They are not for use.
In folk medicine ivy is used against nasal polyps, eye diseases, soft bones, wounds that are slow to heal, stone and sand in the kidney, skin diseases, inflammation of the bladder, vaginal discharge,  rheumatism, cellulite, toothache ...
For treatment use only leaves.